You're Invited!
We invite you to join the Longwood Elementary PTA because we know you will add tremendous value to our group.
Longwood PTA supports critical academic needs and is an active voice on decisions that impact your students quality of education, and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community.
What is Memberhub?
MemberHub is an online tool used by school PTAs across the country to manages PTA memberships. Longwood PTA is required to pay our Illinois PTA dues for each of our members through MemberHub.
MemberHub uses Stripe, to process all transactions. Stripe is a trusted platform to accept payments online.
Every membership counts!
Please click on the MemberHub link below to sign up for the PTA
When you click on the MemberHub Faculty Membership button link above, it will take you to our sign up page. Below in an example of what it will look like.
Reimbursement Form
Hover on the form below and then click on the arrow in the upper right corner to open

Faculty PTA Membership Benefit
Current Faculty PTA members are able to turn in a Reimbursement form for a one time reimbursement up to $75.
For teacher/classroom reimbursements: discretionary funds are to be used for the students to enrich their classroom experience (items to be used by the students.)
The original receipt(s) must be attached to the form
Multiple receipts may be turned in at the same time.
Reimbursement does not include tax.
Reimbursement forms must be received before December 31st of the current academic year.