There is a great need for volunteers!
There is a great need for volunteers!
We have a role for you to fill in supporting our school! There are many opportunities to help, not only during school hours, but also tasks you can do from home on nights and weekends. Please reach out to a board member for opportunities or attend our next meeting to learn more!
We have a role for you to fill in supporting our school! There are many opportunities to help, not only during school hours, but also tasks you can do from home on nights and weekends. Please reach out to a board member for opportunities or attend our next meeting to learn more!
One Time Volunteer Opportunities
Classroom Parties/Room Parent
Fall Family Fun Fest
Picture Day
Field Day
Color Roar!
Fifth Grade Event
Committee Opportunities
Annual Fundraisers
Sunshine Committee
Box Tops for Education
Spirit Wear
Loaves and Fishes
Representative Opportunities
IPPC Indian Prairie Parent Council
Special Needs PTA Representative
Project Arrow PTA Representative
If you are interested in receiving more information in any of these opportunities email us at longwoodpta204@gmail.com